Wellbeing Support and Social Prescribing
We can also help with practical matters such as arranging call alarms/key safe fitting, helping you to identify professional sources of support e.g. carers, cleaners, gardeners etc as well as connecting you to relevant activities/services in the community.
In addition to our volunteer led services, we can also refer into a programme of one to one sessions to those experiencing low mood, isolation, financial, social, employment or housing difficulties, long term health conditions or long wait times for secondary health care. This service can help you to navigate services, advocate on your behalf where necessary, support you to seek help, and help you to overcome barriers to doing so. This service is offered via GP referral.
Bereavement Support
We run regular peer support groups as well as one to one telephone support for those experiencing bereavement. No one can prepare you for the empty space left after a bereavement:
• The long days and nights
• The empty house
• Feeling out of control
• Being alone
• The strength needed to go out by yourself
• New decisions to be made
Sharing these small issues with others helps you to focus on yourself. We host two informal monthly sessions of listening and sharing for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The sessions take place at the Blackdown Healthy Living and Activity Centre in Hemyock on the second Wednesday of each month 2.30 - 4.00pm and the second Friday of each month, 10.30am - 12.00pm. Our volunteer can also arrange to speak to you privately if you prefer.
We don’t underestimate the difference this invaluable service can make to our clients. It is absolutely critical for maintaining their comfort, mobility and dignity. Trained volunteers provide the service and home-based or clinic appointments are available.
Please note we are unable to provide this service to diabetics.
Form Filling
You may be eligible for financial support to help with the cost of care, or you may find form filling difficult or daunting. Blackdown Support Group has several volunteers and staff members who are experienced in this field and can help to remove the stresses involved.